Love? Money? Power? Sex? None of it matters if you don't have your health. Once you are healthy, and full of energy, THEN you can use this technique to go after all those other great things.
The worst was being diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa, a so-called incurable disease that is both extremely painful and disabling. In fact, it was so bad and so painful that I was told I should consider myself disabled and accept social security disability. I do NOT suffer from ANY of those conditions now. Not a one. I am going to share with you EXACTLY how I did it.... First things first -- I am not a medical doctor. Always seek the advice of a physician with any unusual symptoms, especially if they persist. I am not attempting to diagnose or cure you of any medical condition. I am going to tell you how I cured myself, and I am going to share this with you so that you may have the same chance to use this technique as I did.
Here is How I Did IT! I did use the law of attraction.... most specifically the Secret Course. I began each night by using my Manifesting Card to shape my personal world around me.
But it took effort.... and it took time. Now I have found a short cut, to supercharge the results... A super powerful.... and super easy... meditation. Don't be scared about the word meditation. Meditation is nowhere near as difficult as it sounds. In order to meditate, you simply need to relax your body and focus your mind on one thing. Scientific studies tells us that just using meditation yields these amazing, results:
And those are just some of the results that hundreds of studies have proven! All of those can be yours! Do not worry about knowing how to meditate, because I have created a guided meditation for you. What that means is all you have to do is turn on this 15 minute meditation and listen. It doesn't get any easier than this. Once you are relaxed, I will guide you into the most powerful healing meditation that I have ever encountered. It is amazing... you will feel the results immediately! But that is nothing compared to what comes next. Next you will use a simple technique to create and shape your future, harnessing the full power of the law of attraction. NO DISTRACTIONS, because you will already be in a meditative state. Imagine all that power and focus on healing your body and creating the future of your choosing. And... to make this even better, we will NOT be trying to CURE something, because part of your mind will resist this if you try..... For Example: If your knee hurts right now, and you say to yourself "My knee feels great", part of your mind knows that you are lying. We are going to avoid that by using an easy method that will trick your mind into creating the conditions that WILL cure you, without ever focusing on what is wrong. Did I mention that the entire meditation takes a little more than 15 minutes? ...and most of that time is me guiding you into the relaxed state. After you listen to this recording a few times you likely will not even need it.... you'll be able to jump right in and do this entire process in a matter of minutes. I guarantee you have never experienced anything like this.
You may already know that I have shed over 100lbs of unwanted body weight and that I cured myself of two conditions that doctors told me were “incurable”. My heart is strong and now has a regular rhythm and I no longer suffer from Hidradenitis Suppurativa, even though my doctors assure me it is "incurable". Even though I am closing in on 40 years old, I am in far better shape than I ever was in my 20's or my early 30's. I have tons of energy and I sleep like a baby each night. Now that I am no longer suffering from disease, I wanted to share my most recent doctors exam. I had my doctor run a full panel of blood tests…. and Much to both of our surprise - everything came My white blood cell count, my HDL, LDL, triglycerides, liver enzymes, RBC, Hct, Hbg, MCV, MCH, RDW, and all the other things they measure (most of which I am never told what they mean unless one or more of them are too high or too low) all came back perfect. I have been getting blood tests once a year since I was in my twenties and there has ALWAYS been SOMETHING that the doctor wanted to warn me about. In the past I have had high liver enzymes that made the doctor suspect a fatty liver. I had a high white blood cell count which led the doctor to think I had some kind of underlying infection. I have had high “bad” cholesterol and I even had “low” good cholesterol show up twice. I have had borderline values in various things that led the doctor to tell me we were going to “keep an eye on that with a follow up test in 6 months”. Here I am, closing in on 40 and my blood test comes back perfect… EVERYTHING exactly where it needs to be! But That Is Nothing Compared To What Happened Next.... I started getting headaches and I noticed that it appeared to be coming from my eyes. When I put my glasses on my vision seemed to be worse than it was without my glasses. I have been near sighted since I was a child. I decided it must be time for an eye exam and I suspected that I may need a stronger prescription for my lenses. It had been at least two years since my last eye exam.
My right eye had improved also, but the prescription he wrote for it was so mild that he said he wasn’t sure it would be worth getting glasses for. This is why things appeared more blurry to me WITH my glasses than it did without my glasses. I showed him my old glasses and he thought that someone had not done a good eye exam and had incorrectly given me far to strong of lenses. I tried to reassure him that these glasses used to work great for me but he doubted it possible that eyes would be improving and found it more likely that my previous eye exam, which was done by different eye doctor, was flawed. In order for that to be true, EVERY eye exam I had been given since I was 10 years old would have to have been flawed! I was shocked.... but I suppose I shouldn't be. Everything in my life has been improving. As soon as I stopped wearing my glasses... that I no longer need, my headaches went away. Even though I was NOT trying to fix my eyes or all those things that are tested in a blood test.... my body healed those without my specific attention. In other words, I did not need to think about what I needed healed.... I just did the meditation regularly and focused on being healthy and my body did what it needed to in order to make that happen.
Are you ready to start having extraordinary results of your own? It is easy to use.... It is relatively quick... It works unlike anything else... and the price is RIDICULOUSLY LOW!
I look forward to hearing about your Extraordinary
Wishing you the best in health,
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